Product Details
It is now possible to address and resolve the root cause of major depressive disorder based on an understanding of its biochemical underpinnings, especially with regards to its genetic cause, primarily what’s called MTHFR polymorphism. Generally and simply, this minor genetic defect prevents the production of the enzyme that breaks down folate into methylfolate, which is necessary for the normal production and balance of the neurotransmitters: serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. This genetic deficit also prevents SAM-E and glutathione production and can make homocysteine high, which can exacerbate brain inflammation as a further aggravating factor in depression.
1. Order Test - Genetic tests are mailed directly to you (Please allow 3-7 business days)
2. Swab your mouth
3. Mail to Certified Lab in a prepaid envelope
Once your buccal swabs have been received by our accredited 3rd party lab, it normally takes 2-3 weeks for results.